Thought Leadership Posts

What were the Educational Lessons from Covid-19?

What were the Educational Lessons from Covid-19?

The Covid-19 pandemic was a notable event that has altered employment, personal lives, finances, among other shifting dynamics. The education realm is no exception. Students are some of the most vulnerable individuals who have been greatly impacted...

What were the Educational Lessons from Covid-19?

The Covid-19 pandemic was a notable event that has altered employment, personal lives, finances, among other shifting dynamics. The education realm is no exception. Students are some of the most vulnerable individuals who have been greatly impacted...

Behind Closed Doors

One of the issues all managers struggle with is whether to close the door when meeting with an employee one-on-one. This is particularly true in the...

Dogs in the Workplace

Dogs are known as man’s best friend. But for most of American history, dogs have been shunned from the workplace. However, in recent years dogs have...

Real Estate Closing Tips

Typically, buyers seeking to purchase a home want to move in as quickly as possible. According to Ellie Mae, a software company that processes...

The Benefits of Partial Telecommuting

As technology continues to make it easier to stay connected and perform work from any location, more employees are finding themselves working...

Responding to Clients and Colleagues

Lawyers are often criticized for not returning calls or acknowledging messages from both clients and colleagues. Given the many electronic means...

A Personal Perspective for the New Year

As Jules Halpern Associates LLC embarks on its 13th year, it is a perfect time to take stock of our original mission and review our history. When I...

Top Ten Ways to Address Student Bullying

Bullying in schools continues to be a significant topic of debate for students, parents, educators, and legislators. Although there currently is no...

Unlimited Vacation Time

America has long held the title for having one of the most hardworking workforces in the world. Compared with other countries, the amount of...

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