Thought Leadership Posts

How Can Teachers Effectively Manage Helicopter Parents?

How Can Teachers Effectively Manage Helicopter Parents?

In the last several years, there seems to have been a shift in attitudes towards teachers. In the past, if a student got in trouble at school, parents may have normally asked their child why they were misbehaving. If the student was struggling in a...

How Can Teachers Effectively Manage Helicopter Parents?

In the last several years, there seems to have been a shift in attitudes towards teachers. In the past, if a student got in trouble at school, parents may have normally asked their child why they were misbehaving. If the student was struggling in a...

A New Chapter

A New Chapter

As 2021 begins, the Firm has been re-named, Halpern & Scrom Law PLLC. My Partner, Paul, who has nearly ten years of legal experience, eight with...

Managing Remotely

Managing Remotely

Roughly one-third of American adults have spent time working from home as a result of the pandemic. While it has been a challenge for many of us to...

Coronavirus Workplace Awareness

Coronavirus Workplace Awareness

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) has sparked concerns throughout the country of a potential widespread outbreak. While the impact of the...

Behind Closed Doors

One of the issues all managers struggle with is whether to close the door when meeting with an employee one-on-one. This is particularly true in the...

Workplace Designs and Privacy Concerns

Over the years, workspace layouts have evolved. First there were individual private offices, then cubicles. Eventually, offices turned into open...

Workplace Bullying

Typically, when people hear the term “bullying,” they correlate the word with middle school and high school students. However, bullying often occurs...

Managing in an Evolving Workplace

The Fall is the time when managers and business owners transition from the slower summer to the busy winter season. Many employers have completed...

The Risks and Rewards of Job References

Hiring the best possible candidate for the job is typically every employer’s objective. Then why do many employers fail to check job references...

Cyberbullying and 13 Reasons Why

The 2017 Netflix series 13 Reasons Why is a major hit but also a cause of controversy. The series is based on Jay Asher’s fiction novel 13 Reasons...

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