Thought Leadership Posts

Personal Lessons From COVID-19

Personal Lessons From COVID-19

It has been almost a year since the COVID-19 pandemic has come upon us. Let’s pause and think about the universal and human behavioral lessons we have learned. We are certainly all humbled by this pandemic. We thought we knew everything and could...

Personal Lessons From COVID-19

It has been almost a year since the COVID-19 pandemic has come upon us. Let’s pause and think about the universal and human behavioral lessons we have learned. We are certainly all humbled by this pandemic. We thought we knew everything and could...

The Benefits of Partial Telecommuting

As technology continues to make it easier to stay connected and perform work from any location, more employees are finding themselves working...

Responding to Clients and Colleagues

Lawyers are often criticized for not returning calls or acknowledging messages from both clients and colleagues. Given the many electronic means...

How to Manage Your Manager

Yes, you read this correctly. Smart employees manage their managers. What I mean is they understand how to interact and how to “work smart,” to...

Work from Home Like a Professional

Just two weeks ago, I got dressed for work, bundled up in a pullover, scarf, coat, gloves and hat. As someone who grew up in south Mississippi, I am...

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