Thought Leadership Posts

The New Workspace

The New Workspace

In more ways than ever before, employees now have the upper hand over their employers. As many industries continue to suffer from labor and talent shortages, employers may find themselves asking – what can I do to retain and attract employees? And...

The New Workspace

In more ways than ever before, employees now have the upper hand over their employers. As many industries continue to suffer from labor and talent shortages, employers may find themselves asking – what can I do to retain and attract employees? And...

Managing in an Evolving Workplace

The Fall is the time when managers and business owners transition from the slower summer to the busy winter season. Many employers have completed...

The Risks and Rewards of Job References

Hiring the best possible candidate for the job is typically every employer’s objective. Then why do many employers fail to check job references...

Cyberbullying and 13 Reasons Why

The 2017 Netflix series 13 Reasons Why is a major hit but also a cause of controversy. The series is based on Jay Asher’s fiction novel 13 Reasons...

Responding to Clients and Colleagues

Lawyers are often criticized for not returning calls or acknowledging messages from both clients and colleagues. Given the many electronic means...

A Personal Perspective for the New Year

As Jules Halpern Associates LLC embarks on its 13th year, it is a perfect time to take stock of our original mission and review our history. When I...

Top Ten Ways to Address Student Bullying

Bullying in schools continues to be a significant topic of debate for students, parents, educators, and legislators. Although there currently is no...

Unlimited Vacation Time

America has long held the title for having one of the most hardworking workforces in the world. Compared with other countries, the amount of...

Unemployment Discrimination – Trends

On February 16, 2011, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission held a public hearing to examine what many consider to be a growing trend of...

Why is Confidentiality Important?

In today's increasingly litigious and highly competitive workplace, confidentiality is important for a host of reasons: Failure to properly secure...

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