The Wage Theft Prevention Act (WTPA) requires all New York employers, except government agencies, to provide employees with written Rate of Pay forms, when an employee is first hired, and each year before February 1st. Employers should act quickly to ensure compliance with WTPA.
This form must be submitted to the employee both in English and the employee’s primary language, if not English. As of January 2014 The Labor Department has made the form available in English, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Hatian-Creole, and Chinese. Each of these forms may be found here. If the Labor Department has not provided a form in an employee’s primary language, notice may be given to that employee in English only.
The employer must obtain the employee’s signature, verifying that the employee received the form in English and his or her primary language, if applicable. Finally, the employer should keep a copy of the signed and dated form for six years, in addition to providing a copy for the employee.