Protecting Students on Class Trips

In July of 2007, a private school student contracted tick-borne encephalitis while in China for a school sponsored trip. Subsequently, the student...

Bring Your Own Device to the Workplace

The bring your own device (“BYOD”) trend has been advanced by millennials in the workplace. BYOD policies allow employees to use their personal...

Disclosing Teacher Misconduct

An increasing number of situations involving the abuse of students at schools have made their way into the media. In some instances, the attacker is...

New York Education Updates

April 2017 has demonstrated New York’s enthusiasm for accessible education through the extension of New York City’s free preschool program and the...

NYC Prohibits Pay History Questions

The New York City Council passed a law, which will become effective 180 days after it is signed by Mayor Bill de Blasio, that prevents employers...

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