A new fad is taking over the nation’s schools: vaping. While smoking among teenagers has been declining, vaping has become rampant over the last...
Sexual Harassment Laws Change Legal Landscape in New York State and City
In April, both the New York State Legislature and the New York City Council passed new workplace anti-sexual harassment legislation. Spurred by the...
Sexual Orientation Included as Civil Rights Protection
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York has held that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects sexual orientation, becoming only...
PAID: Labor Department Introduces Program to Fix Wage Issues
On March 6, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) announced the Payroll Audit Independent Determination (“PAID”) program. PAID is a six-month pilot...
Commissioned Employees – What Employers Need to Know
As discussed in a prior newsletter article, employers are required to satisfy the New York minimum wage and overtime laws as well as the federal...
Vendor and Services Contracts
When clients receive goods and/or services from a vendor or provide goods and/or professional services to its customers/clients, it is essential...
Internship Guidelines Updated
In January 2018, the United States Department of Labor ("USDOL") relaxed the standard governing unpaid internships and published updated guidelines...
Misclassification of Assistant Managers
Chase $8.3M Misclassification Settlement Recently, JPMorgan Chase was sued by roughly 2,000 assistant branch managers in a class action who alleged...
Training Supervisors on HR Issues
On average, 10,000 baby boomers are retiring every day and by 2020 millennials (ages 18-34) are expected to make up more than half of the total U.S....
Student Searches in Private Schools
To help ensure school safety, is important for school administrators to prevent student possession of drugs, alcohol and weapons. One method is by...