Connecticut Raising Minimum Wage

On May 28, 2019, Connecticut’s Governor signed a bill into law that will increase the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2023. The state joins a...

School Discipline Reform

Until recently, a student who demonstrated behavioral issues in school would be disciplined with a suspension. Now, in many schools throughout...

New York Paid Family Leave 2019 Update

In 2019, New York continues with its second year of a four-year phase-in of Paid Family Leave (“PFL”). As of January 1, 2019, PFL provides eligible...

LGBTQ GENDA Workplace Protections

The New York State legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomo have started off 2019 by passing a law which protects LGBTQ workers. On January 25, 2019,...

New York Child Victims Act

In the wake of high profile scandals, many states have extended the time period in which victims of childhood sexual abuse can bring claims against...

Minimum Wage Increases 2019

New York as of 12/31/18 NYC 10+ EEs - $15.00 Less than 10 EEs -$13.50 Fast food EEs - $15.00 Nassau/Suffolk/Westchester $12.00 Fast food EEs -...

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