As discussed in a prior newsletter article, winter weather causes numerous issues, such as absences and office closures. This year, the Old Farmer’s...
Weather-Related Absences
Weather-Related Attendance Issues – 2017
Prudent employers are preparing themselves for the many issues that arise from weather-related absences and facility closures. The Old Farmer’s...
Emergency Responders Granted Leave
Recently, in response to a storm that was expected to bring two to three feet of snow overnight, Mayor de Blasio declared a state of emergency for...
Weather-Related Attendance Issues
November 2015 Given the challenging weather conditions of the current winter storm, many employers are faced with the tough decision to shut down or...
Non-Exempt Employees and Weather-Related Absences
Most employees are considered non-exempt under the federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and are covered by the FLSA's minimum wage and overtime pay...