The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that all employees be paid a minimum wage and overtime, if the employee works more than 40...
Employer Liability
Employer Liability for Third Party Harassment
Employers are generally familiar with the fact that the law that protects employees from being harassed. However, workplace harassment is commonly...
The NLRB Broadens the Joint Employer Liability Test
In a much-anticipated landmark decision, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has revised the test used in defining “joint employers” for the...
Cybersecurity: Protecting Property, Employees, and Clients
Costing the global economy around $400 billion per year, cyber crime has become one of the most significant risks that an employer faces today....
New York Annual Wage Notice Officially Eliminated
Last week, Governor Cuomo finally signed a bill into law that amends the Wage Theft Prevention Act (“WTPA”), six months after it was passed by the...
Payment For Activities Employees Perform Before and After Work
Whether concerned about safety or theft, some employers are requiring employees to undergo mandatory security screenings both before and after work....
When Handling a Negative Review
Refraining from retaliating, and being responsive to criticism can mitigate the effects of a negative review. When building your company’s online presence, maintain a consistent voice.
New York Minimum Wage and Overtime Laws Apply to Commissioned Employees
Most employers are familiar with New York’s minimum and overtime wage laws, but many may not know that the same standards must be satisfied for...
Independent Contractor Rules Tighten for Trucking Industry
In an effort to strengthen the rules relating to independent contractors in the trucking industry, Governor Cuomo signed the New York State...
Executives’ Liability for Wages and Hours Violations
SECOND CIRCUIT FINDS CEO INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE FOR WAGES AND HOURS VIOLATIONS Although it is common for owners and officers of organizations to be...