April 2017 has demonstrated New York’s enthusiasm for accessible education through the extension of New York City’s free preschool program and the...
New York Employers Given Greater Flexibity to Make Wage Deductions
On September 7, 2012, in a rare “win” for New York employers, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill expanding the type of deductions employers may...
New York Executive Order to Ban Transgender Discrimination
New York Governor Cuomo has announced his intentions last week to sign an executive order that would ban transgender discrimination. Governor...
New York Law Journal – Cooperative Dialogue
We are excited to announce that an article our firm authored was recently published in the New York Law Journal. The article covers the specific...
New York Meal and Break Laws
Many American workers and employers are so accustomed to breaks during a work shift that they do not know when or whether a break is actually...
New York Minimum Wage and Overtime Laws Apply to Commissioned Employees
Most employers are familiar with New York’s minimum and overtime wage laws, but many may not know that the same standards must be satisfied for...
New York Minimum Wage Set to Increase
As part of a new budget deal, Governor Cuomo and the New York State legislature announced yesterday that the minimum wage will increase statewide....
New York Notice of Pay Rate Forms – Reminder
The Wage Theft Prevention Act (WTPA) requires all New York employers, except government agencies, to provide employees with written Rate of Pay...
New York Paid Family Leave 2019 Update
In 2019, New York continues with its second year of a four-year phase-in of Paid Family Leave (“PFL”). As of January 1, 2019, PFL provides eligible...
New York Passes New Minimum Wage Increase
In March 2013, the New York State Legislature passed a law which will increase the State's minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $9.00 per hour over...